What is different between Lab Diamonds and Nature Diamonds? Can I tell the different?

The difference between a lab diamond and a natural stone is not how they look, but how they are grown. Natural diamonds are grown in the earth for several millions or even billions of years. Lab-grown diamonds are grown in a machine for a few days to months depending on the size.Normally, it’s hard for a trained jeweler to tell the difference between a lab grown diamond and a natural stone.

How are lab grown diamonds graded?

Lab grown diamonds can vary in color as clarity grades just like natural diamonds.

How Are Lab Grown Diamonds Made?

Currently, there are two ways lab grown diamonds are created, the HPHT(high pressure high temperature) and CVD(chemical vapor deposition)methods.
* The HPHT process closely mimics the conditions that diamonds need to form naturally, but they do it much quicker.
* CVD diamonds grow from an HPHT grown diamond seed crystal. Carbon rains down from a plasma cloud and deposits onto the seed crystal, growing diamond in layers.
Both processes produce the same gem quality lab diamonds. However, the CVD process is becoming more common in the industry because
it's more cost-effective and the machinery is a lot smaller.
We sell both HPHT and CVD diamonds.